A woman found hanged at a house in the Ahsanabad area on Thursday. Responding to phone calls, Site Super Highway police and rescuers reached the property and transported the deceased to Abbasi Shaheed Hospital for an autopsy where she was identified as Khursheed Begum, 35, wife of Huzoor Bukhsh. The victim’s in-laws told the police that she hads ended her own life by hanging herself from a ceiling fan, whereas her brother alleged that his sister’s husband and in-laws had murdered her.
Federal Minister for Finance Muhammad Aurangzeb assured Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah on Friday that the...
The Sindh government will soon issue a set of guidelines to the union committees and union councils in the province to...
HYDERABAD: A woman and her daughter were found dead in a house near Nara Jail in Hyderabad on Friday.As police...
A young man was killed due to celebratory gunfire in the Orangi Town area on Friday. According to police, the incident...
The Sindh High Court (SHC) has directed the federal and Sindh governments to submit a proposal with regard to the...
A sessions court on Friday dismissed the bail application of the Karsaz accident suspect in a drug case.The woman...
The Chup Tazia mourning procession culminated in a peaceful manner under tight security of the police and Rangers on...
Newly graduated doctors and postgraduate trainee doctors are facing unprecedented exploitation, enduring gruelling...