March 3 last date for UET’s ECAT registration

Our Correspondent
Tuesday, Jan 24, 2023

LAHORE:The last date for registration of UET’s Engineering Colleges Entrance Test (ECAT-23), for admissions in BSc Engineering and BSc Engineering Technology programmes across Punjab, is March 3, 2023.

A UET spokesperson said that the UET introduced a new admission policy for new admissions according to which students will now be able to register for the UET entrance test on a first-year basis. On payment of Rs1,800/- tokens can be obtained through HBL Online Banking and HBL KONNECT until March 03, 2023. For admissions in non-ECAT programmes, the token can be obtained by February 13 on payment of Rs2,000.

All Pakistani students who have passed or are about to take the Intermediate exams will be allowed to sit in ECAT 2023. However, candidates who do not appear in the UET entrance test will not be eligible for admission in the undergraduate programmes of any government and private sector engineering institution across Punjab. The tests will be held from March 13 to 17, 2023. However, the test result will be announced on March 24, 2023.

Desecration of Holy Quran condemned

Secretary Human Rights Punjab Masood Mukhtar strongly condemned impudent incident of desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden. He said the incident was highly offensive and a heart-rending act. There is no scope in the least for such acts in a civilised society. Such a profane incident under the garb of freedom of expression cannot be tolerated, he said.