To expedite service delivery : Wafaqi Mohtasib orders inspection of passport offices

Our Correspondent
Friday, Feb 23, 2024

ISLAMABAD: Expressing concern over the persistent complaints of irregularities, malpractices, inordinate delays and unsatisfactory facilities at the passport offices for the general public, Wafaqi Mohtasib Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi has directed inspection of the passport offices by the Mohtasib’s Inspection Teams at Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Quetta, Peshawar and major cities suggesting urgent remedial measures to improve service delivery.

Taking suo motu notice of complaints against undue delay in the issuance of passports, an inspection team from the Wafaqi Mohtasib had earlier visited the passport office in Islamabad to ascertain the causes of delay and breakdown of the delivery services. Later, the report submitted by the passport office, as a follow-up, was termed unsatisfactory by the Wafaqi Mohtasib. The Wafaqi Mohtasib said the Overseas Pakistanis are the worst hit in as in several cases either their visas have expired or they have been unable to join their jobs abroad. The same is the case with those who want to proceed abroad for higher studies or family visits. He said elements responsible for creating artificial shortages and indulging in malpractices be exposed and dealt with strictly to ensure smooth issuance of passports. ‘The passport offices must put its own house in order ensuring efficient service delivery for which they pay to organization regularly, and frequent breakdowns are unacceptable’, he observed.