Country urged to adopt renewable energy to fight climate change impacts

Our Correspondent
Sunday, Mar 24, 2024

karachi: Pakistan need to shift towards renewable energy sources urgently to cope with environmental challenges occurring due to climate change.

This was urged by experts during a webinar titled “Renewable Energy: Pursuing Clean Energy Solutions for Pakistan”, organised by Global Neighbourhood for Media Innovation in collaboration with the United States Department of State.

The online moot discussed the role of renewable energy in combating climate change as Pakistan is still majorly dependent on fossil fuels for the daily operation.

The speakers highlighted the use of renewable energy in mitigating climate change, reducing carbon footprints, and charting a course toward energy autonomy.

The event was moderated by environmental journalist Afia Salam. She emphasized the media’s role in disseminating climate change awareness.

Salam presented a view of the environmental issues, stressing that policymakers must adopt cohesive strategies within the Pakistani context.

Providing insights into Pakistan’s energy generation portfolio, Zehra Aneek, an expert on energy sustainability and corporate governance, said that the country heavily relied on fossil fuels, which account for 60 percent of total energy consumption.