Dil Ka Rishta 7th most popular app in world

Mohammad Nasir
Thursday, May 23, 2024

KARACHI: After world famous apps like Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, Dil Ka Rishta has become the most downloaded social app in Pakistan, which is a testament to the trust of users. Dil Ka Rishta social app, which prioritizes the privacy of its users, has become 7th among international apps and Pakistan’s top app. The feature of Dil Ka Rishta app is that all users are verified at their homes. Protecting the privacy of users and their personal information is Dil ka Rishta’s top priority. It is also not possible to take screenshots on this application. Thousands of more users are now living a happy married life by benefiting from this app which has users of all caste, creed, race and profession. This app also broke the record for the fastest relationship and is gaining popularity at the international level.