108 Pakistani undergraduate students leave for study in US

Sunday, Jul 14, 2024

Islamabad : The US government has awarded 108 Pakistani undergraduate students scholarships to study for one semester during the 2024-25 academic year under the Global Undergraduate Exchange (Global UGRAD) Programme. Administered by the United States Educational Foundation in Pakistan (USEFP), the exchange program provides participants a unique opportunity to enrich their education by spending one semester of nondegree study at a US university or college, says a press release.

The US Ambassador to Pakistan, Donald A. Blome, shared well wishes with the 54 students as they prepare to embark on their semester exchange this Fall. “The United States has a long tradition of embracing international students and the unique perspectives they bring to a classroom. I am sure that each of you will represent your nation with honour and dignity and return home to Pakistan with new ideas and skills. I am proud that the United States can play a role in advancing your education.”