Wapda awards telemetry contract for water management at 27 points

Our Correspondent
Thursday, Aug 01, 2024

LAHORE: Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) has awarded a contract worth Rs 21.534bn for the installation of a telemetry system at 27 key points on the Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) for real-time discharge monitoring.

The contract has been awarded to a Joint Venture (JV) comprising CDigital and HBCC along with Siemens as a sub-contractor in the JV. As per the contract, the telemetry system, after installation, will be commissioned in December 2026. Chief Engineer and Project Director Indus Telemetry Project Waseem Ali and Chief Executive Officer CDigital, Muhammad Ahsan Bashir signed the pact on behalf of Wada and the JV in a ceremony on Wednesday.

Member IRSA (Punjab), Wapda’s Member (Finance), Member (Water), Member (Power), GM (Hydro Resource Management) and representatives of 45 Engineering Division, and the consultants and contractors also attended the ceremony.

It is pertinent to note that the Ministry of Water Resources has entrusted Wapda with the crucial task of implementing a Telemetry System on the Indus Basin Irrigation System to address the issues of water distribution among the federating units. Approved PC-I of the Indus Telemetry Project amounts to Rs. 23.834 billion.