31 illegal residential units identified in MHNP

Our Correspondent
Tuesday, Dec 14, 2021

Islamabad: The relevant authorities have identified thirty one illegal residential settlements built in the recent years in Margallah Hills National Park (MHNP) in violation of the Islamabad Wildlife Protection, Preservation, Conservation and Management Ordinance 1979.

According to the details, the Google Earth imagery, onsite pictures and field surveys have been used to identify encroachments that included 14 residential settlements in Nurpur Shahan, 12 in Saidpur and five settlements in Gandhian areas.

An official of the climate change ministry said any action against these illegal settlements in the national park would be taken with the help of the Capital Development Authority (CDA), adding “The proper demarcation of the boundaries will help prevent encroachment and illegal occupation of land in the national park.”

He said: “We will seek assistance from the Survey of Pakistan for demarcation of the national park and introduce a proper mechanism to protect its forest area and wildlife species.”