Experienced SSTs being ignored for promotion under 2019 promotion rules

Muhammad Anis
Friday, Nov 29, 2024

Islamabad: The Ministry of Federal Education and Professional Training is set to conduct Departmental Promotion Committee (DPC) meeting for promotion of Secondary School Teachers (SSTs) in BS-17 as Vice Principals in BS-18 amid concerns from a number of SSTs having experience of over 30 years.

These aggrieved SSTs who have been serving in different schools under the Federal Directorate of Education (FDE) for over three decades had done Masters and BEd simple of one year but do not possess MEd or BEd Honour degree which is equivalent to M Ed as per conditions laid for posting for the post of Vice Principal through Statutory Notification (SRO) issued by the Ministry in the Gazette of Pakistan on March 15, 2019. According to amendments in Appointment, Promotion and Recruitment Rules, 1973 as per the SRO, the SSTs holding Master degrees along with simple B Ed of one year are not eligible for promotion as Vice Principal in BS-18.

The aggrieved SSTs are of the view that they had done one year BEd before their initial appointments prior to notification of new conditions for postings. The BEd Honour degree was also introduced in 2016.

They feel that the new conditions should have been applied new recruitment made after issuance of SRO 2019. The SSTs have demanded of the Ministry of Federal Education that keeping in view length of service, the conditions for promotions should be amended for the experienced SSTs who were serving prior to issuance of SRO 373 (1) 2019.