Seasonal infections hitting population

Muhammad Qasim
Friday, Dec 13, 2024

Islamabad:After an extreme cold wave that is hitting this region of the country including the twin cities of Islamabad and Rawalpindi along with areas around Margalla and Murree hills, the incidences of seasonal infections particularly among elderly people, children and chronic patients have started recording a sharp increase.

Data collected by ‘The News’ on Thursday has revealed that not less than 20 per cent of the total patients being presented at public and private sector healthcare facilities in the region are with seasonal infections like chest infections, flu, sore throat or cold. It is important that the majority of patients being reported with seasonal ailments and their complications are elderly, aged over 60 years, children, infants and those who are immunosuppressed, living with weaker immunity whether because of some congenital or primary disorder or secondary disorder, the disorder they got later in life due to some disease or infection like HIV/AIDS, malnutrition or diabetics.

According to health experts, people must be aware of the bad effects, the exposure to extreme cold can cause. Chronic patients in the existing harsh weather conditions may suffer from serious complications of the seasonal ailments if they do not opt for in-time management of the infection. Experts say that the most important thing to avoid seasonal ailments is following proper preventive measures. Common cold and flu (influenza) are very common infections of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, ears and sinuses). Over 200 different viruses can cause colds which are self-limiting. There is no cure for the cold or the flu however you can treat your symptoms only to feel better while your body fights off the virus.

However, at times, complications such as ear and sinus infections in case of colds and pneumonia in case of flu may occur that may be life-threatening. According to experts, it is time for individuals to start drinking green tea or warm water with lemon and honey and chicken soup that can help loosen the mucus.

Experts say that aged persons and children should avoid staying outside homes in extreme weather conditions, in the morning, evening and night as it may cause wetting of clothes. Staying for a longer period of time in extreme cold may cause hypothermia, which is a life-threatening condition. In hypothermia, body temperature falls rapidly to as low as 35 degree centigrade. Hypothermia affecting all systems of the body leads to unconsciousness and drowsiness that may result in coma or even death if left untreated.